February 24, 2009

Interlock Breathalyzer for Barkley

MADD is surprised by the number of celebrities choosing to drive drunk versus finding a sober driver. Most recently, Hall of Famer Charles Barkley was arrested and convicted for drunk driving. According to Arizona law, he will serve jail time and receive an ignition interlock on his vehicle. This is good news given an interlock is the best way to make sure a drunk driver doesn’t drive drunk again.

While law enforcement stopped Barkley before any one was injured or killed, in 2007, 12,998 people weren’t so lucky. They were killed by drunk drivers and about half a million others are injured by drunk drivers.

Some want the public to believe that if there are no deaths or injuries, that drunk driving should just be tolerated until the person becomes a “professional drunk driver.” A strong message must be sent upon first conviction that drunk driving will not be tolerated. MADD commends the judicial and enforcement teams in Arizona for taking just that stand in the Barkley case.

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